Chatbot Development
Development of a Career Counselling Chatbot for Admizzionz Campuz®
The aim of this project was to sucessfully automate a part of the career counselling process carreied out by Admizzionz Campuz®.
This was to be done using a chatbot which could interact with, and guide the user. The project was developed for "Spardha", a chatbot development competition organized by Admizzionz Campuz®.
The project was initiated by formulating a System Requirements Specification Document and a System Design Document. The Tech Stack and the architecture for the application was also decided during this step
The following technologies were used to develop the chatbot -
• DialogFlow
• Firebase
• Node.JS
• Angular, HTML and CSS
The backend for the chatbot is hosted as a set of cloud functions on Firebase. The bot also includes a report generation system, which using NodeMailer, sends a summary of the user's conversation to an administrator.
The chatbot will soon be hosted at Admizzionz Campuz® Student Connect Portal